You might remember Realtor Hannah Porto from her previous DIY frenzies (here and here). Today, she offers an inside peek at a day in the life of a real estate agent, with a little help from guest blogger, Clancy. (Note: Clancy is not licensed to sell real estate in the state of Nebraska.)
The list of things I love is long. At the top of the list is my family, my friends, my extremely rewarding job as a real estate agent and my animals. And as far as my animals go, my corgi, Clancy has a firm grip on my heart.
I’ve heard (and seen) over the years how often times a pet owner and their pet can look a lot alike.
I can’t really see the resemblance between Clancy and myself, but you can be the judge of that. People have commented that we have many of the same characteristics. We are both driven, particular, fun-loving redheads who enjoy the outdoors and herding other animals… Well, maybe not that last one.
Anyway, since Clancy and real estate are both dear to my heart, I asked him to lend me a hand (paw) in illustrating the nitty gritty of a Realtor’s day. Many people think our jobs consist of walking through pretty houses and handing over keys on closing day. While that’s certainly a part of what I do, the work I put in behind the scenes makes up the majority of my job. Luckily, there’s a ton of variety and no two days are ever alike, but we Realtors put in some serious hours, man.
Phone Calls:
We talk on the phone a lot – about properties, paperwork and upcoming meetings. It’s always about business, but Clancy thinks I’m ordering pizza. Okay, sometimes I am ordering pizza, but it’s between setting up meetings and following up with clients!
We drive…a lot… To the right house, to the house that’s nice but the clients aren’t in love with, to a house that’s a “maybe,” and then six more houses. Clancy thinks they’re all very nice, but he’s really only concerned about curb appeal and outdoor living space. He’s a sucker for a spacious patio. Also, he really enjoys car rides.
Open Houses:
We help prep for open houses by cleaning, organizing, baking cookies and, if you’re Clancy, eating cookies. Actually, if you’re me, eating cookies is also included!
Real estate involves a lot of paperwork and emails to title companies, other Realtors, clients… All which require thumbs and not slobbering on important legal documents (sorry Clance)!
When we work really hard, we get to hand over keys to someone’s dream home. This is why I do what I do. Seeing a client’s excitement over their new home is incredibly rewarding. For Clancy, well, he just thinks the keys look shiny. But I think deep down, he knows it’s a big deal, too.
As you can see, a Realtor’s day can be hectic, and let’s face it, we never really stop working. But when I settle in at night and put my feet up, I’m lucky to spend time with my best friend, doing things that best friends do – AKA wine, Netflix and more cookies. I think it’s safe to say that Clancy still has no idea what I do during the day, but I guess I have no idea what he actually does during the day either….
Does the life of a Realtor sound interesting to you? Let me know and we can talk shop (yes, we’re always hiring)!
Also, what would your pet say you do for a living?! Or what do you think your pet does when you’re away? Let Clancy & I know in the comments below!
No matter what stage of life you’re in, P.J. Morgan Real Estate is here for you. We offer commercial sales, leasing, and property management; residential sales, leasing and property management; business brokerage and real estate auction services. We’re with you for life.
Loved it, your Mom passed it on! I will forward to Brian and Ashley! I will pass on your info for any of my clients that are listing! Have a great weekend!
Great blog Hannah, love the comparisons to your day and Clancy’s!!