I really love to shop; like, the love runs deep… but over the years, my income hasn’t always shared this love. This post is dedicated to all of you who have a dream similar to mine, and who don’t have the luxury of making it rain cash on a daily basis.
I am going to share my tried-and-true, go-to places for fashion and home décor that won’t make your bank account sad. Whenever anyone says something along the lines of “I love your necklace, shoes, etc.” instead of just saying “Thank you,” like a normal person, I feel the need to blurt out where I bought the piece from. Upon some internal reflection, I’ve decided I do this because 1.) I’m awkward and don’t know how to take compliments, and 2.) I’m trying to save the universe one bad outfit at a time. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it.
Looking for Shoes or Accessories
Let’s start with Forever 21. I can almost feel your eye roll from here as you read this, and I know the discomfort we all feel when we walk into the store and are, in fact, not 21. I get it. I know with certainty that when I walk in as a 29-year-old new mom, I am not their target consumer. #trust. However, even when I was pregnant, I had not written off Forever 21. Clothes-wise, yes, there is not a lot that fits me in the store. Fortunately, for me, Forever 21 is amazing at shoes and jewelry. They really do have an incredible shoe collection (online and in store) that are some of the most comfortable I have ever worn, especially for the price. Their accessories are also very on point, especially if you need rings or a big statement necklace. #forreal
Looking for Work Wear
Banana Republic and Ann Taylor clearance sections, stress the clearance sections. I have paid for my fair share of full price items at BR and AT, and it’s not terrible. But the clearance rack is really where it’s at. Ironically, both stores have only recently made my list of favorites. To be honest, I get more shady looks walking into Ann Taylor than I ever do walking into Forever 21 (I don’t think they’ve embraced my pink lipstick, but that’s fine, it’s not for everyone). Maybe it’s because I feel like both stores can give off a slightly snobbish vibe and honestly, I always thought it was for more sophisticated types (no one would ever use the word “sophisticated” to describe me). But I am not even kidding that I have built my entire work wardrobe from BR and AT. The fit and durability of their clothes is unmatched. And they both have amazing clearance sales on a weekly basis (like 40% off the clearance price)! #crazy

What can I say, I love a pop of color!
Looking for Home Décor
Okay, you knew Target was going to be somewhere on my list and you are right! Oh, Target, do I even need to explain why I love Target? Every year for my wedding anniversary, I make my husband write 50 things he loves about me and I feel like I could do the same with Target, except on, like, a daily basis. I mean food, clothes, shoes and curtains all in the same store?! #ihopethisiswhatheavenislike. So it’s a given why you should go to Target, but here’s the secret info… the store on 72nd and Dodge has the best home décor section. I don’t know why, but they get different stock than the rest of the Omaha stores and it’s always amazing. Literally, the other day I was in there in for less than seven minutes and came out with a pillow, a lamp, and a pig with a plant in it. #perfection. Another tip: the Target on 132nd and Maple has the best women’s clothing and accessories. #whoknew
I mean food, clothes, shoes and curtains all in the same store?! #ihopethisiswhatheavenislike
Looking for Blankets and a Pop of Color
T.J. Maxx. As you might have gathered from my posts, I do have a bit of OCD, and one thing that really triggers it is blankets that get pilly (I don’t even know if that’s a word). Once that happens, it’s time to go to T.J. Maxx. They have the best selection of blankets in the city for very reasonable prices. They also have great room accessories; I am a sucker for my built-ins and decorating them. I absolutely love adding a little pop of gold or stripes to make an ordinary shelf come alive. P.S. They also have the best Coach loafers ever. #forreal

Cozy Little Nook and Comfy Coach Loafers
I do have a few more stores I hold close to my heart, and my wallet, so reach out if you ever need some suggestions or want a shopping partner! Pass the love along and share your #ballinonabudget tactics!
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All great suggestions! If you ever get to Dallas you must go to Sam Moon for accessories. Tears will spring into your eyes when you walk in the door. It’s actually worth making the trip to Dallas just to go to Sam Moon.